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Itānagar FAQ

Where to stay in Itanagar?

There are many hotels, resorts and guest houses available in Itanagar. You can choose from a wide range of accommodation options depending on your budget and preferences.

How easy is it to get around Itanagar?

Itanagar is a small town and getting around is quite easy. You can either walk or take a cycle-rickshaw to get to your destination.

What are popular food items and drinks in Itanagar?

There are many popular food items and drinks in Itanagar. Some of the popular food items include momos, thukpa, chow mein, sepu vadi and apong. The popular drinks include tea, coffee and alcohol.

What is there to do in Itanagar?

Some of the must-see places in Itanagar include Gompa Monastery, Ita Fort, Polo Park and Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Museum. You can also go for a nature walk in the nearby forests or visit the Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary.

How to get to Itanagar?

Itanagar is located in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in India. The best way to reach Itanagar is by air. The nearest airport to Itanagar is Lilabari Airport, which is located about 30 kilometers away from the city center. You can also reach Itanagar by road from neighbouring cities such as Tezpur, Guwahati and Dibrugarh.